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Do you clean your air conditioning coils ?  Sometimes your evaporator coil needs to become cleaned because they will get clogged and that will wreck the efficiency of the operations.  Do not fret.  You only need to do a couple of steps and this chore can be easily accomplished.

When your air conditioning unit is working, a bunch of different components are working together.  The evaporator coil is at the top of the air exchanger and this is where ht main flow fro the exchanger directly travels through. 

What dirt is not collected from the air filter usually ends up on the fins of the evaporator.  Check your unit out.  You should see an access panel that can be removed.  You should see the evaporator coil.  Always take a look at your machine’s handbook.

Always turn the power off to the unit by heading to your circuit breaker.  Hopefully your breakers are labeled, else turn all your power off ! 

Remover the screws and put them in a safe place.  There is nothing so frustrating as losing screws after finishing a job.  You should now see the coils.  Do you have access to an air compressor ?  You can use one to blow the dirt off the coils.  Use an air nozzle to blow a steady stream of air across the fins of he evaporator.  Be careful that you do not damage the fins!  Blow down, and then blow up.

If you do not have a compressor — you can still spray the coils with a solution that soaks them for a while.  Make it with warm water and some dish detergent.  Let is soak in.  You may have to do it a couple of times but that is ok.  Take an old soft cloth and brush away the debris.  Keep spraying and keep wiping.  Again, your goal is to make your mechanical efficient. 

Sheridan Supply always suggests that you consider hiring a HVAC service professional.  They are worth their weight in gold.  They can change the filter, look at dirt in the condensate drain, check your line set covers and more.